Thai Airways Cargo Tracking

Thai Airways Cargo Tracking

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Thai Airways Cargo, operating at Suvarnabhumi Airport, stands as a beacon of innovation and efficiency in the realm of air cargo management. With cutting-edge technologies, extensive facilities, and a commitment to safety, has become a vital player in Southeast Asia’s air cargo industry. This article explores the advanced systems, state-of-the-art infrastructure, and services provided by Thai Airways Cargo, emphasizing its role in shaping Suvarnabhumi International Airport as a true air cargo hub.

Suvarnabhumi Airport: A Hub of Modern Cargo Operations

Suvarnabhumi Airport, serving as the primary base for Thai Airways Cargo, boasts a state-of-the-art Cargo and Mail Commercial Department. With over 3,800 million baht invested, the 22-meter high warehouse spans an impressive 90,000 square meters, making it the largest one-story warehouse in the region. This facility accommodates a diverse range of commodities, from general and heavy goods to dangerous goods, valuable items, live animals, and mails.

Streamlining Processes for Economic Benefits

Thai Airways Cargo utilizes a Custom Free Zone management system, ensuring safe, secure, and expedited services. This system supports import and export operators, providing tax benefits for goods within the Custom Free Zone area. By reducing customs procedures and accelerating transfer and tax processes, the Company enhances the competitive advantage of businesses, fostering growth in the export industry.

Catering to Every Need

The warehouse at Suvarnabhumi Airport can handle over 1.2 million tons of goods annually. With an investment of 1,200 million baht in systems and equipment, including 250 million baht for Information Technology, Thai Airways Cargo maintains its leadership position. The warehouse is equipped to handle various commodities, and experienced staff ensures the meticulous care of each item.

Advanced Technology for Efficient Handling

To ensure swift and secure handling, Thai Airways Cargo employs advanced technology, including the Elevated Transfer Vehicle system, Unit Load Devices (ULDs), and Roller Conveyor systems. These innovations enhance safety during transportation and facilitate the efficient transfer of commodities from the warehouse to aircraft.

Safety and Security Measures

Thai Airways Cargo prioritizes safety and security, evident in the installation of two special pallet-size x-ray machines and 12 standard x-ray machines. These machines, with their advanced capabilities, ensure a thorough inspection of commodities, maintaining the highest standards of safety.

Contact Information for Seamless Customer Interaction

For inquiries, Thai Airways Cargo provides various contact points, including customer services, general information, and walk-in customer services within Thailand. The dedicated team ensures around-the-clock support, reflecting Thai Airways Cargo’s commitment to customer satisfaction.


Thai Airways Cargo, with its state-of-the-art facilities, cutting-edge technology, and commitment to safety, plays a pivotal role in shaping Suvarnabhumi International Airport as a premier air cargo hub in Southeast Asia. With a robust infrastructure, efficient warehouse management system, and a highly skilled team, the Company continues to deliver excellence in air cargo services, contributing to the growth and development of the air cargo industry in the region.