Malca Amit Courier Tracking

Malca Amit Courier Tracking

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About Malca-Amit

Malca-Amit takes pride in setting the gold standard for secure logistical solutions worldwide, especially in the diamond and jewelry industries. Our expansive international network is designed to cater to the unique demands of these industries, offering secured overnight deliveries, comprehensive third-party logistical services, and unlocking maximum global capabilities. Beyond this, Malca-Amit stands as a guarantor of absolute peace of mind for special events and operations globally, where luxury and security are non-negotiable.

Contact Information

For inquiries or assistance, feel free to contact our Mumbai office:

  • City: Mumbai
  • Phone Number: +91 22 69414444 / 71258125
  • Email Address: [email protected] / [email protected]
  • Company Address: 1401, 14th Floor, B Wing, C/66 G Block ONE BKC, Bandra Kurla Complex Bandra East, Mumbai 400 051, India.

Our dedicated team is ready to assist you, providing not just logistics but a personalized and secure experience that defines the essence of Malca-Amit.


Explore the state-of-the-art, highly-secured storage facilities strategically positioned around the globe. These facilities, recognized as market leaders, provide the utmost security for your valuable assets. With locations in key cities such as Bangkok, Hong Kong, London, New York, Shanghai, Singapore, Toronto, and Zurich, Malca-Amit ensures that your possessions are safeguarded with the highest standards of security.


Malca-Amit leverages cutting-edge technology to deliver fast, comprehensive, and secure door-to-door collection and delivery services. Our commitment to innovation ensures the safe transportation of your goods to any corner of the globe. For personalized information and a range of options, reach out to your local Malca-Amit office.