GarudaVega Courier Tracking

GarudaVega Courier Tracking

Enter your Tracking Number and click the button

GarudaVega Courier, named after Vishnu’s mythical bird Garuda, is your reliable bridge to connect with the love and warmth of your family and friends. Just like the mythological bird that served Vishnu, GarudaVega is dedicated to providing fast, quick, and trustworthy international courier services. At the heart of this service is the advanced tracking tool, ensuring that your precious shipments, whether it’s homemade avakaya (Mango Pickle) or other cherished items, reach their destination safely and on time.

About GarudaVega Courier Tracking

GarudaVega Courier stands out as a leading international courier service with a vast network spanning 100+ locations in India. With over 200+ branches, our primary mission is to deliver your shipments securely worldwide, including prominent destinations like the USA, UK, UAE, Australia, Canada, and more than 200 other countries. The history of GarudaVega is deeply intertwined with the idea of being a bridge that connects you with your loved ones. Our commitment to reliability and trustworthiness is reflected not only in our extensive network but also in our competitive pricing, which is 40 to 50 percent less than other international services like FedEx, DHL, UPS, etc.

Contact Information

To get in touch with GarudaVega Courier, you can contact our head office at:

1-8-308/1/1, Patigadda Road, Begumpet, Hyderabad-500016.

For customer support, reach out to [email protected] or call +91 905 995 8342.


GarudaVega offers comprehensive shipping services worldwide originating from India and the USA. To check the current prices for shipping from India, you can visit our website at

When shipping from the USA, refer to the provided rate calculator, keeping in mind factors like destination country, consignment contents (including medicine), weight, and package type. Our service proudly covers over 230+ countries, ensuring a global reach for your shipments.


At GarudaVega, our vision and mission align seamlessly with the efficient tracking services we provide. We aim to be more than just a courier service; we strive to be the bridge that connects you with the love of your loved ones. Our commitment is reflected in working 24×7, 365 days a year to ensure timely and responsible deliveries.

Quality Policy

GarudaVega adheres to a stringent quality policy to ensure the highest standards in our services. We prioritize safe and secure deliveries, and our pricing reflects a commitment to fairness and transparency. Our rates are inclusive of applicable taxes, and we follow the government norms of 18% GST.


Experience the reliability and efficiency of GarudaVega’s tracking tool for yourself. Send your goods with love, and we’ll deliver them with responsibility. Trust GarudaVega for all your international courier needs. Join our mailing list to stay updated on our services, or reach out to our regional offices and service centers conveniently located across India. Let GarudaVega Courier be your trusted partner in connecting hearts across the globe.