eKMTC Container Tracking

eKMTC Container Tracking

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Korea Marine Transport Co. Ltd. (KMTC), headquartered in the pulsating heart of Seoul, Republic of Korea. Nestled on the 15th floor of the iconic Hanjin Building at 63 Namdaemun-ro, Jung-gu, KMTC stands as a beacon of connectivity and reliability in the shipping industry.

Seoul’s Maritime Hub

Our offices, strategically located in Seoul, symbolize more than just a geographical presence. They embody the hub of our operations, where every call, every inquiry, and every shipment is handled with precision and care.

Transparent Communication at the Core

At KMTC, we understand the significance of transparent communication. We believe in not just delivering goods but fostering connections. Our team is committed to ensuring that every interaction with KMTC is characterized by openness, friendliness, and a human touch.

Connecting Through Technology

In the dynamic world of maritime transport, we stay connected with our clients through the latest technology and communication channels. Our commitment to seamless connections extends to the virtual realm, ensuring that our services are not just efficient but also easily accessible.

Reaching Out, Bringing People Closer

KMTC isn’t just about shipments and logistics; it’s about bridging distances and bringing people closer. Our team at the Hanjin Building is dedicated to facilitating global trade with a personalized touch, making every client feel like a part of the KMTC family.

Your Maritime Partner

As your maritime partner, KMTC is more than just a shipping company – we’re your ally in navigating the global waters. Our dedication to excellence and customer satisfaction is evident in every aspect of our operations, from our headquarters in Seoul to our global network.

Contacting KMTC

For all your inquiries and assistance, our team at KMTC is ready to lend a helping hand. You can reach us at TEL: 02-311-6114. Whether you’re navigating through shipping schedules or seeking information on our services, our doors are always open.


At KMTC, we don’t just ship cargo; we navigate oceans of possibilities, bringing people, businesses, and cultures closer together. Join us on this maritime odyssey, where every connection matters, and every shipment is a testament to our commitment to excellence.

Warm regards,
The KMTC Team
2022 Korea Marine Transport Co. Ltd.