Emirates Cargo Tracking

Emirates Cargo Tracking

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In today’s fast-paced global trade landscape, having a reliable cargo tracking tool is essential. At Emirates Cargo, we understand the importance of transparency and real-time information for our customers. That’s why we offer a state-of-the-art tracking tool that empowers you to monitor your shipments effortlessly. Now, let’s delve into the story behind Emirates Cargo and the unparalleled air cargo services we provide.

About Us

Established in 1985, Emirates Cargo is the airfreight division of Emirates, proudly holding the title of the largest international cargo airline globally. With over 30 years of experience, we have evolved into a key player, connecting the world’s supply chains through 300+ destinations across 80 countries in 6 continents.

Our Journey

Our journey began in 1985 with just two aircraft servicing Mumbai and Karachi. Over the past 30 years, we’ve grown exponentially, connecting 140 destinations across 85 countries and 6 continents. Today, our fleet comprises over 270 wide-bodied aircraft, including 11 dedicated freighters, reflecting our commitment to meeting the dynamic needs of our customers.

Emirates SkyCargo Milestones

Our journey is marked by milestones that underscore our commitment to excellence. From introducing e-freight in 2009 to launching the COVID-19 Vaccine Global Distribution Hub in 2020, each step reinforces our position as a world leader in air cargo.

2022 Upgrade: Seamless Booking Experience

In 2022, we took a significant step towards enhancing customer convenience by upgrading our booking experience with WebCargo. This reflects our dedication to providing a seamless and user-friendly platform for our customers.

Contact Us

For easy booking, route finding, and exploring our ground handling capabilities, visit our useful links. Our online support system is ready to assist you with any inquiries or support.

Our Mission

At Emirates SkyCargo, our mission is to continually innovate and serve our customers better. We invest in our diverse workforce, recognizing their hard work, passion, and dedication. Our global recruiting strategy ensures that we have the best talent to rise to any challenge.

Our Services

Emirates SkyCentral, our multi-airport hub in Dubai, is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, including Emirates SkyPharma, a GDP-certified pharmaceutical facility. With 165 worldwide offices and 5,000 employees, our agile and diverse team is committed to ensuring the safety and security of your cargo.


Emirates Cargo Tracking is not just a service; it’s a journey that began in 1985 and continues to connect businesses and opportunities globally. Our commitment to excellence, innovation, and customer satisfaction is the driving force behind our success. Explore the world with confidence, knowing that Emirates Cargo is your reliable partner in air cargo services. Track your shipments seamlessly and experience the power of precision with Emirates Cargo.